Thursday, July 12, 2007

I might start trying again

My blog has really been shitting the bed lately. When I say my blog I literally mean my blog, not myself. I also mean figuratively, not literally. It’s obviously the blogs fault not my own. I’m still leading my usual active, fascinating lifestyle. I’m rife with interesting things to write about but my blog isn’t doing its job. Which is to inspire me to write the stories down. I sit down to write and then get distracted by other things, like being outside, or tv, or not writing a blog post. Here’s a brief list of things that you, the reader, have missed out on in the last two weeks or so because I’ve been to lazy to post:

-I saw a man spit on a little kid on the sidewalk because the kid smiled at him.

-A bird pooped on Leslie while we were out to dinner.

-I spent a weekend in Ocean City. Good stories always come out of that.

-Two good friends got married in North Carolina last weekend. Weddings are the
best, this one was no exception.

Those are just a few examples of fodder I’ve wasted. Hell, today someone handed me a free Monster Energy drink after lunch, old Eric could’ve cranked out 1,000 words on how disgusting that was alone. I’m not really sure what the problem has been. I’ve been really busy at work, but let’s face it, that never stopped me before. I think it’s just a general malaise. Who wants to write a blog post when it’s 103 degrees outside? The act of typing in itself it’s just too exhausting. But I think it’s time to rededicate myself for two reasons. The first being that I no long have a lot of work to do at work, so I’ve got some time to kill. The second one being that my one year blogging anniversary is coming up and I can’t have that go by through such a downswing. Do people even still read this anymore? Who knows.


Los said...

Sometimes you just aren't inspired to blog ... I think we all go through that ... type when you are ready.

Unknown said...

Your blog inspires me to keep going in life. Keep it it for Chip.

Diva's Thoughts said...

Writing is like a ebbs and flows. The feeling comes and goes. Nothing to worry about. When you feel inspired to write again...we'll be here.

Eric said...

Anthony, I didn't even think about how this might effect Chip. That's are the type of motivational words I need to hear.

Eric said...
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Anonymous said...

I know some other people that have been slacking on their blogs too. (COUGH COUGH Brian and your secret reader from Philly COUGH COUGH). Seems my husband is the only one who is keeping up with his commitment....sweet...

Anonymous said...

I had pretty much stopped reading, but if you're back then I'm back (reading, not writing...yet)