Friday, July 21, 2006

Tour de France

I was reading something about Floyd Landis this morning. It's a pretty cool story. The guy was pretty much left for dead, no one thought he had a chance and he came back and absolutely destroyed stage 17 to get back into contention. But then the person talking about it wrote this:

"Greatest. Comeback. Ever."

I hate that. First of all he hasn't won anything so relax buddy. That isn't the part that bothers me though. It really pisses me off when someone punctuates a sentence likely that. I just imagine them saying it and me hating them for talking like that. It makes me. Want to punch them. In the face.


Brian said...

neat! what an original storyline for a cyclist.

Eric said...

It got worse, He started talking about Steve Nash's haircut and described it as Worst. Haircut. Ever. I almost through my computer.

Mike said...

Is this the DQ on cuz if it is, I stopped reading regularly and that was one of the reasons.

...and the Red Sox comeback was better. Cycling shouldn't count, it's not popular enough

Eric said...

You nailed it, except the was the MQ, every morning at 9 Dan Shanoff (writer of the DQ) has a forum in the style of the DQ. Basically it's a bunch of people who don't know near as much about sports as they think they do trying to write like Shanoff. I read it fairly often even though I hate, I think just so I will get angry at how annoying they are and feel superior. Also any further mentions of the Red Sox comeback will deleted from this blog. You get one.

Brian said...

im barely a baseball fan, what comeback are you referring to?

Brian said...

oh yeah, turns out i watched the TDF (middle word de) today and i learned more abotu that amazing comeback. turns out, in the cycling world the comeback was actually pretty amazing. so while i agree biking cant compare to the MLB post season, it actually was something that was pretty amazing. still. the. writing. was. bad.