Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Metaphors For Life

I got a haircut on Monday. While cutting my hair the barber, who I had never visited before, asked me if I've considered anything for hair loss. It's really piling on these days. And by it I mean shit.


Wendy said...

I dont feel bad for you, since you renigged on TWSS Friday, and well, I'm an ass like that.

Paige Jennifer said...

I could care less about hair on a man's head. But man did I love riding my Ex about it when he pissed me off.

Anonymous said...

I am working on your helmet still. I haven't gotten a haircut since your blog post about the wedding pictures. I would say by March, you'll be having a nice helmet of red hair.

Anonymous said...

DAGGER! Did you tip the guy?

I can't wait for the red hair helmet.

Los said...

I remember going to a barber with a few friends in college, and I heard the barber say the exact same thing to one of my friends ... I thanked god it wasn't me ... although, nowadays, my barber-stops aren't nearly as long as they used to be ... sigh.