Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Every year you hear about a new government study released claiming some foods have magical health effects. Or you find out that some common household item causes cancer. The results usually seem fairly obvious and leave you thinking, did they really just waster millions of dollars to tell me this? But finally I've found a study I can get behind. I new those crazy Europeans had it right all along with their siestas. Next time I'm nodding off at my desk and my boss comes by to give me the business I can say, I hope your happy, I'm now 37% more like to die of heart disease because you're being an a hole. Have fun with that on your conscience


Lucy said...

Matt really wants to do this, but isn't exactly sure how to pull it off. My labmates have a lounging chair in their office and just close the door and take naps quite often, apparently they were onto something.

Mike said...

I used to nap more, but i find that if I get a decent night's sleep I don't usually feel tired during the day.

Los said...

I think 4-day work weeks and mandatory nap-time should be a part of every job, personally.