Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here is some things that have happened recently...

I was walking back to work from lunch yesterday and had something fun happen. I work in downtown Baltimore, we often eat lunch right in the inner harbor. There are a lot of tourists there, especially in the summer. Tourists walk very slow, often stopping at random points to look around without any regard for who is walking behind them or who they are blocking, i hate this. I walk at a fairly brisk pace, if I have somewhere to be I don't mess around, so tourists cause problems for me sometimes. On the way back to the office we get stuck behind a group of extremely slow walking people, obviously we're going to have make a pass. When we get to the point where can make this pass it happens to be the same spot in the sidewalk with two fairly large planters cause it to narrow. We can't all get through at the same time, but since we were already passing them we continue to pass (which I didn't think was in anyway rude) but since the sidewalk narrowed they had to stop for a few seconds while we went through. Did I mention that this group happened to be a group of middle age and elderly black women. Well i was the last one to walk by and I said excuse me but as I walk by I hear this, "why you stopping from a bunch of white boys, I wouldn't let no white boys through. I wish my grandson D were here so he could kick there ass." Thats a direct quote by the way. This was totally unbelievable to me. How racist is that? She wasn't mad about having to stop, we hadn't affronted her in anyway by our actions. She was just pissed that she had to stop walking at her ridiculously slow pace because of a few white people. And apparently because of our whiteness we deserved to be beat up by her all-world, ass kicking grandson D. I can't believe that there are people in the world that still think like that. I feel like there is a huge double standard in this country also, because had I turned around and told her how absurdly racist she was being it would somehow be turned around into me being racist. Oh well, when things like that happen you have to just let it go and realize it's really difficult to fight ignorance of any kind, it's something that is really independent of race.

I realize that the title of the post says things that have happened recently, it was my intention to talk about some other stuff, much lighter stuff, but I rambled on longer than I thought I would about this so I'll save it for the next post. Save you from having to read one of my way to long posts. I guess I was a little more fired up about that than I thought.


Mike said...

you know that you do have the option to go back and change the title after you've written the post, right?

Anonymous said...

You're one salty cracker!

Eric said...

Yes, that is the exact reason I wanted Jake to start reading our blogs. You can never have to many awful puns.

Eric said...

I also just noticed the atrotrious grammar in the title of that post, i should edit that.

Wendy said...

nah, then it wouldn't be a eric post

Eric said...

What the hell does that mean, I have excellent grammar.

Steph said...

Being politcally correct has meant reverse racism is an accepted thing.
Yeah, i know. It doesn't make much sense to me either.

Eric said...

Steph - it really doesn't make sense. Maybe we should just embrace it and start acting really recist.

Eric said...

thats racist not recist